Tuesday 2 November 2010

A Labour of Love.

A Labour of Love.

As reported earlier in the Blog, I was previously invited to provide an article on the Peterson Pipe for the Pipedia web resource.

I decide to pull together my various writings on Peterson pipes and compile my interpretation of a meaningful reference,which could be used by new pipe smokers and experienced collectors. Bearing in mind the popularity of the brand and the huge numbers of pipe smokers that own and collect Petersons,it was quite a daunting task to undertake.

I have now reached the stage where I am reasonably satisfied with my efforts and hope that others will find the finished article both useful and helpful in understanding the vagaries of the Peterson brand since its inception.

Coupled to my previous writings I have incorporated many photographic examples from my large collection of Peterson pipes, to assist in the graphic interpretation of the many aspects and reference points discussed in the article.

I am confident that the finished product is worthy of becoming a standard reference work for the Peterson brand. I do hope that you will take the time to read the main paper and the five separate in depth specialist ones that accompany it.

To me it was a labour of love, for which I am extremely proud.

(The Pipedia page link can be accessed in the links section on the right side of this page)


  1. I've folllowed it since it's inception and it is the best in depth study of the brand to date. The world of Peterson smokers and collectors owe you a debt of gratidude.
    Congratulations on a work well done.

  2. Thank you Chuck,your kind comments are much appreciated my friend.
    It was most helpful having the back up and support of yourself,Dave,Ed and the others.
